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Whether you are interested in our training in Social Selling, Social Recruiting or the Ambassador Program. Our FAQ is here to answer all your questions. We understand that you may have questions about our programs , registration processes , pricing , certifications , and more. In this section, we have grouped the answers to the most common questions to provide you with clear and precise information.

Feel free to explore the different sections of our FAQ to find the specific details you need. If you cannot find the answer to your question, do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to help you get the most out of your experience with eloRezo.

What training does eloRezo offer?

eloRezo offers a variety of training courses, including Social Selling , Social Recruiting , Ambassador Program and Artificial Intelligence training . These training courses cover a wide range of areas to meet the needs of different professionals.

What are the prerequisites for taking training?

The prerequisites vary depending on the training you wish to follow. But most just require having a LinkedIn account created. It is recommended to consult the training on the eloRezo website for the exact prerequisites.

Are there supports for


Yes, eloRezo provides training materials, such as presentations, videos, hands-on exercises, and other educational resources, to help participants absorb the training content.

How long does each training last?

The duration varies depending on the training, from one day to several weeks.

Is the training eligible for OPCO?

Eligibility depends on training and your situation. It is recommended that you contact us directly to determine whether the training you are considering is eligible for OPCO funding.

Can I follow these training courses remotely?

eloRezo offers both face-to-face training and distance learning. You can choose according to your schedule and preferences.

Is there a certificate or attestation issued at the end of the training?

Yes, eloRezo issues certificates of participation at the end of the training courses.

Who are the trainers or experts who lead the training?

Les formateurs sont des experts expérimentés, parmi eux Antoine Jambart, formateur depuis près d’une vingtaine d’années.

Are there assessments or tests at the end of the training?

Yes, most training courses include final assessments: multiple choice questions, oral and written practical exercises.

Is there a minimum number of participants?

The minimum number varies depending on the training, in general it varies from 1 to 12 people.

Are eloRezo training courses suitable for all experience levels, including beginners?

Yes, eloRezo offers training suitable for all levels, including beginners.

Can I get information on training prices and payment options?

You can contact us for information on training prices and payment options.

Our training

Qu'est-ce que le Social Selling et en quoi consiste cette formation ?

Social Selling is a sales approach that uses social media to build relationships, create an online presence, and influence purchasing decisions. eloRezo's Social Selling training teaches you the strategies and techniques to develop your sales using social media.

What are the benefits of Social Selling for my business?

Benefits include better visibility, stronger customer relationships, and increased sales opportunities.

What skills will I acquire through this Social Selling training?

Social Selling training will allow you to acquire skills such as optimizing your profile on social networks , online prospecting , customer engagement , and measuring the effectiveness of your actions on social media.

What eloRezo training courses are available on Social Selling?

eloRezo offers different training courses in Social Selling:

- Sell with Social Selling

-Sales Navigator

- Develop your personal branding

How can I register for Social Selling training on the eloRezo website?

To register for eloRezo training, you can visit our website, choose the training you are interested in , and follow the registration instructions provided there.

What are the prerequisites for taking training in Social Selling?

The prerequisites vary depending on the Social Selling training chosen. Consult the details of each training course to find out the prerequisites.

How long does each training last?

The duration of Social Selling training varies depending on the training chosen.

Who is Social Selling training for?

​La formation en Social Selling s'adresse principalement aux commerciaux, aux responsables commerciaux, aux spécialistes du marketing, et à toute personne souhaitant améliorer sa présence sur les médias sociaux pour développer son activité.

Is there a certificate or attestation issued at the end of the training?

Yes, at the end of each training course, eloRezo issues a certificate to validate your Social Selling skills.

Social Selling

What is “Social Recruiting” and what does this training consist of?

Social Recruiting is a recruitment strategy that uses social media to attract, evaluate and hire talent. eloRezo's "Social Recruiting" training teaches you the best practices for recruiting effectively online.

Why is Social Recruiting important for businesses and human resources professionals?

Le "Social Recruiting" est essentiel car il permet d'atteindre un plus large bassin de candidats, d'identifier des talents de manière proactive, d'interagir avec les candidats de manière authentique, et de réduire les coûts de recrutement.

What skills will I acquire through this Social Selling training?

Training in “Social Recruiting” will allow you to acquire skills such as creating attractive HR profiles on social networks, prospecting candidates and using monitoring and analysis tools.

What eloRezo training courses are available on Social Recruiting?

eloRezo propose différentes formations en Social Recruiting : 

- Recruter avec le Social Recruiting

- LinkedIn Recruiter

- Développer sa marque employeur

What are the prerequisites to follow the “Social Recruiting” training?

Prerequisites vary depending on the specific training. Consult the details of each training to find out about them.

How do the “Social Recruiting” training sessions take place?

Training sessions can vary, but typically include presentations, demonstrations, hands-on exercises, and interactive discussions to reinforce the concepts being taught.

Are there case studies or practical examples to illustrate the concepts covered in the training?

Yes, Social Recruiting training courses often include case studies and practical examples to help participants understand and apply the concepts in a concrete way.

Does eloRezo issue a certificate at the end of the “Social Recruiting” training?

Oui, à la fin de la formation, eloRezo délivre généralement un certificat de réussite. Ce certificat atteste de vos compétences en "Social Recruiting".

Social Recruitment

What is the eloRezo “Ambassador Program” on LinkedIn?

The eloRezo “Ambassador Program” on LinkedIn aims to transform employees into competent ambassadors to promote the brand. The training, designed in partnership with , offers advice on optimizing profiles and provides proven strategies for effectively engaging teams.

What skills or knowledge will I acquire through this training?

Thanks to the training you will be able to develop a content strategy to engage ambassadors , master strategic interactions on LinkedIn and

guide team members in implementing the program.

What are the advantages of participating in the “Ambassador Program” for my company?

The “Ambassador Program” offers your company the opportunity to develop a team of ambassadors who can promote the brand more effectively on LinkedIn. This can result in better visibility, sales growth and a stronger reputation for your business.

What training is linked to the “Ambassador Program”?

We guide the implementation of your ambassador program (employee advocacy) through a set of steps:

- “Social Network” action plan

- Training - Social Manager

- Develop your ambassador program

Are there any specific prerequisites?

Prerequisites vary depending on the specific training. Consult the details of each training to find out about them.

Who is the ambassador program training for?

It is aimed at the sales, marketing & communication, HR, etc. department.

Ambassador program

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